Most manual transmission cars have few shifting problems for many miles. Yet, a clutch disc will wear out eventually and have to be replaced. Clutch work is not easy as you will have to remove the transmission or engine from the car. This requires engine pulling equipment and other types of specialized tools. In addition it can be very hard work.
If your transmission is starting to slip and your gas mileage has dropped, your clutch may be worn out. However, the problem may be more than a clutch disc. It could be caused by other components like the throw out bearing, pressure plate, or clutch master cylinder. All of these things work together, to allow you to shift the car properly.
The only way to know what is wrong is to tear your car down. This is best done by technicians that have years of experience with transmissions. They will test drive your car to help determine the trouble. You also will receive an estimate for the repairs, before any work is done.
When you take your vehicle to professionals for transmission work, you have many benefits. They will help you choose the best parts for your car. For example, if may not cost much more to install heavy duty clutch parts. This will give you many more miles of trouble free service.
If you need manual transmission work, your local shop is there with quality parts and service. They can take care of most of your automotive needs. Your Lincoln Park auto repair service also offers conveniences like transportation back home, if you live a few miles from the shop.
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