Archive for November 2016

Vehicle Discounts For Teachers; Get The Best From The Insurance Firms

By Harold Hall

Most of the time, teachers get auto insurance discounts. Most insurance firms reward tutors with low rates of premiums simply because they are careful when driving. After one year, the insurance providers conduct a research to find out those drivers who are careful and those that are not. The results show that professors together with educators have low driving risks. Here is an overview of vehicle discounts for teachers.

Different insurance companies have variations of discounts. Most of them offer them at a rate between 10% and 15%. For you to get these benefits, you have to show your credentials as a teacher. Once you prove that, you are eligible of getting these benefits. Tutors have the liberty of searching for the insurance plans, which are calculated specifically for tutors.

Since not every person has the chance of benefiting from these rewards, tutors need to take the advantage of the discount. Before the insurance company can determine what premium rates to give, various aspects have to be considered. Among these factors include age, driving record, and credit rating. Professional aging between 18-25 years should pay higher premiums. Moreover, if they have bad records of driving, they are disqualified of getting the rewards. Many insurers have to evaluate the rating of credit before they approve the coverage. This means that the ratings have to be great before getting the rewards.

Various companies have the ability of giving these benefits; others do not have the capability. Therefore, it can be thoughtful to consider conducting a research to ensure you find a reliable firm. Make use of search engines to ensure you get the quality services. Once you find one, agents are ready to take you through various plans that can suit your requirements.

Car insurance firms offer the benefits if you have insured more than a single vehicle. Insuring these cars all at once can give you the substantial reward. The principle behind this is that the firm will always make a lot of cash from the customer that is why they do not mind to offer them at low rates.

Insuring your cars and your home is advantageous; you will get large markdowns. Though, for the firm to insure you and give all these benefits, you have to assure them of your loyalty at the end of the day. However, claiming for both assets at the same time is unacceptable. You have to claim one at a time as you wait for the other one. Lucky are those who have perfect home insurance. The coverage can cover the assets in the car that auto insurance coverage could not cover.

Tutors are recommended to always join a qualified group. Years of experience matters a lot when looking for the best firm to work with. Look into the group rates like engineers, veterans, and tutors. Tutors have low risks in their occupation.

To the bottom line of this article, always take some time to go through various websites. In these websites, ensure you compare the rates at the end of the day. Consider choosing one that has the online chat so as to ask them what they offer. You will always get answers through that and make a decision.

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Reasons To Offer Vehicle Discounts For Nurses

By Jason Jackson

Nurses are paramount people in the society. They greatly help in improving the health standards of the community which are very essential. They serve to be treated well and awarded because they work hard and passionately to create a healthy nation. Employers can give vehicle discounts for nurses to motivate them in being dedicated. The below are some of the reasons why it is important to give them such benefits.

Employers offer vehicle discounts to medical practitioner drivers to increase the appeal of the company. It will attract more employees from other hospitals that do not provide the same service. Not all medical places offer such services. Therefore this is an added advantage to the professionals who are given this privilege. It is only a stable company that can provide such packages. It shows that the management also believes in the institution.

Vehicle discounts help in minimizing the number of medical practitioners resigning from work. Resignations tend to slow down the operations of the medical center. It is because with a number of staff missing replacing them takes time. Sourcing for experts in this field can be tasking as they are few. Motivating workers helps reduce this hassle significantly.

The medics are determined in serving patients. Dedication at work is imperative because it helps in free flow of operations mainly in hardship environments like military. Clients will be attended to with calmness and will feel appreciated. Medical practitioners will work hard in making sure that with complex issues solutions are found. It is a very good attitude towards work and can really help in customer retention.

Professionals in the medical sector are going to work even better with benefits. Working with passion is all that they will have. It makes an Institution progress because of the hard work among the employees. With enthusiasm, patients will make the hospital a place of choice as they are served with warmth. Excellent service makes customers feel appreciated and refer friends and relatives.

The goodwill of the medical center will be enhanced. Nurses in different fields either in military or general hospitals they should take an interest in working. While working, they have to portray a real image of an institution. It ranges from the way they handle patients to their behavior outside of work. An employer who gives benefits to workers makes the institution to have a good name from outside.

Vehicle discounts help nurses who have joined the field from college in saving. It is because they are given cars at a discount which makes them cost cut. Reduction of costs helps in making sure that they get value for their money at reduced prices. They can get good cars at a discounted rate which is to their advantage. A cost effective means of transport is vital in making sure that medics get to work promptly. Late coming is avoided because of the convenience offered by the cars.

Talent will be retained through this benefit. Hospitals do their best in ensuring that the best medics are kept at work. These institutions spend a lot of resources in training these employees and letting them go the health center lose. To retain workers the management has to be dedicated to making sure that the work environment is very convenient.

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Understanding The Kubelwagen Replica And Its Associated Notions

By Charles Graham

Investing on your vehicles assist in limiting the hassles, stress, and pressures of riding on public transportations, but it is more essential in creating your own automobile. Your expenditures are the causes of excellent results which have lasted for a lifetime. In general, your selections of those motorcars need understanding the benefits it offers to clients, riders, and drivers.

Primarily, you should determine its wide and various classifications. A kubelwagen replica is offered in various formats which are based on the first structures, plans, and blueprints of your vehicles. Therefore, you would be presented with chances to change your automobile in accordance with your preferences, specifications, and styles which reflect your personal personality and characteristic.

Its light mass has the capacity to aid you in freely and easily transport those automobiles to your local repair institutions and technicians when concerns emerge. Although you can understand its manuals or instructions, other materials still require modifications and improvements to acquire its modernized designs. Additionally, you are expected to sustain its main compositions, however changing its external sections are advised.

Its fuel absorption is cost efficient that leads to minimized fuel payments and as the result of this, it has permitted it be utilized informally. Its ability to stand on equal footing and compete with other automobile running the highway is obtained by the utilization of smaller reels. In addition, you have to obtain special permits after the delivery of those objects from another state, together with local licenses.

Its engines are created to endure various extreme conditions, yet you would be advised to maintain the efficiency of its covers. With this, it assists in maintaining its efficiency for a lifetime period. Practices related to covering those automobiles have presented you with chances to reduce your repair expenditures which are beneficial in maintaining the modifications you have completed.

It was constructed to be sturdy and bulletproof, insuring your protection, safety, and security amid drives or travels, yet it needs bulletproof materials. Once it has been installed, you are expected to sustain effective ventilation setups to efficiently allow the circulation of oxygen inside your automobiles. Although its installments are performed, efficient ventilation setups are to be performed to aid you amidst long local drives.

Its creations and productions are considered as the determinants of its designs. If those vehicles are applied for family vacations and leisure, an installation of other features is essential. If you were planning to apply those automobiles for display and exhibition objectives, allow the local mechanics to complete its modifications to attract more number of audiences.

Client feedback, reviews, and ratings found on online mediums are beneficial in gathering your references. Positive statements are comparable to the benefits the current and past clients have attained, representing its efficiency. If those motorcars caught your attention, you would be advised to arrange and prepare your financial resources and other components.

You need to bear in mind to employ their services in performing your improvements altogether with other methods. In circumstances where different concerns emerge, seeking for their services to solve those concerns is advised considering they are more accustomed with that specialization. Certainly, those practitioners are armed with their capacity to solve any concern due to their expertise, experiences, and knowledge.

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Types Of Vehicle Discounts For Firefighters Experienced From The Insurance Companies

By Timothy Wright

Firefighters are important people in the society, and they should be applauded for their dedication. Their passion and efforts to save people and property from the fire can never go unrecognized and unappreciated. These demands for them to have an insurance coverage that ensures their well-being and that of their business at large. With the notion in mind, there are vehicle discounts for firefighters that emanate from the insurer which you should consider understanding. The purpose of this article is to bring all the points to your understanding.

Primarily, the firefighters should have their insurance payments done in bulk. Bulkiness here involves paying yearly or half a year premiums. As a result, the company stands a golden chance of acquiring some savings regardless of the percentage which allows them to save a lot of cash.

The second thing that the company should consider to acquire a discount is bundling policies. One insurance company should facilitate all their insurance needs. If they have more than one vehicle, they should be insured by this particular insurer. This is very important, and as a result, there shall be money saved. The application of this point requires extension while acquiring the services of a professional.

Another point to consider is being a superb in defensive driving. Therefore, every firefighter driver should ensure to have a defensive driving course completed. The studies and lessons can be obtained online which requires some few cash. After completing the course, you stand a chance of keeping the people on board safe as well as the other drivers and their cars on the road.

When anticipating a discount, the company should always acquire vehicles that are Eco friendly. These are vehicles with low fuel consumption which shall be saving a lot of money. As a result, the insurance company offering the coverage will make some considerations and offer you discounts. The amount saved here shall be realized from the low fuel consumption and the discounts from the insurance company.

For tremendous discounts from all the companies in the dealership with the firefighters, the firefighters are expected to be loyal. Loyalty is treasured by many and may trigger a lot of generosity and lenience. This does not only have to apply when dealing with the insurance company but should apply in any other way.

Another factor to mull over is the occupational discount. This is a discount that the firefighters shall be given following their work. Their services to keeping the world a better place is appreciated by many which lead to the discount. This applies to the insurance company as well as other companies offering services to the firefighting company.

Having identified the above forms of cost cutting measures, there is no justification why a firefighting company should not maximize their savings. The above points are not limited in any way, and they will ensure to bring more price cuts from other services obtained. All that is required is the understanding of the above which emanates from the insurance policies obtained. The extension can be to the purchases of items used or even the obtainment of other services. Therefore, whichever the service anticipated, there should be consistency which shall help you acquire discounts hence more money for saving.

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The Several Benefits Of A Kubelwagen Kit

By Susan Watson

Modifying any car is a statement of how creative you are. So, just be sure that you have the right kit and the next benefits shall be yours. That is essential when you finally want to see physical proof of how much you have been working so hard. You deserve to reward yourself with the best things in life especially with your critical line of work.

You would have the highest level of comfort. A Kubelwagen kit can even bring you closer to the people who share the same passion which you possess. Finally have friends who would appreciate how much you have spent on one car alone. Spoil yourself once in a while and you shall have no regrets at any point.

The military unit will forever be associated with you. So, simply enjoy the respect that one is getting from everyone you meet. Nevertheless, continue being humble and do not use your position to intentionally get favors which will be unfair to the greater part of the public. Go back to the person whom you have always been.

Your vehicle will really look sleek on the outside. Thus, take your time in going through the styles and textures available. Explore on what you really like now that you have come back from the battle. Forget about the things which are considered as normal in society since that will never bring you complete happiness.

Durability will finally stay on your ride. This is what you truly need when you have no choice but to choose an open parking area. This will also make the impression that you are serious about your new craft. Get to the point when you no longer care about what other people have to say for as long as your artistic needs are being met.

Your fuel consumption can even be lowered down. So, make the most out of your deployment time and use your gear on an everyday basis. If you are in search of great adrenaline, you can participate an exclusive race which can prevent you from being a danger to any civilian. Go for what your heart is dictating you to do.

Durability shall be provided to the internal engines too. So, it is safe to say that you will be able to save a lot in making this decision. Plus, there will no longer be restrictions to where you can be for this vacation. Bond with your family in those out of town trips.

You have nothing to worry about maintenance. Everything which you are going to need shall be in the kit. This is the reason why you ought to get the best option out there. Listen to the recommendations of your friends.

The kit can continue to evolve even when you are not bound to be back to the city for a few years. Thus, settle on one provider for this one. This is how your safety can be guaranteed even when your eyesight is no longer that perfect.

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Understanding The Benefits Of Your Slope Indicator Applications

By Stephanie Murray

Usually, inclinometers are labeled as tilt indicators, tilt meters, and slope gauges where it was being used to check the slants of elevation, slope, and depression connected to gravity. Aside from those slants, it checks the inclines or declines through three categorizations such as the topo, degrees, and percent. During the Renaissance Era, this form was commercialized as the Astrolabes which was used for navigation or location objectives.

Also, it completes other assignments including determining the inclinations of mountains and determining directions from the compass applied by explorers amid their vacations. It was advised that you complete inquisitions, searches, and clarifications through various mediums which are capable of offering the slope indicator. Whether you would be engineers, architects, and planners, your purchases of those instruments resulted to your own comfort, convenience, and ease.

It requires your expertise, knowledge, and understanding centralized on Trigonometry in which its measurement and casing approaches start with the determination of your distance from the substance. When that element is already distinguished, you have to centralize on the peak areas of those factors and examine directions by those machines. Once those directions are already distinguished, you may effortlessly interpret or translate those numbers with the tangent ratios.

Commonly, it was equipped with its respective unique characteristics which refer to its casing and measurement practices. Furthermore, its casing has allowed the access to subsurface movements since it was integrated with grooves which offer the surface measurements and inclinometer sensor orientations. Besides, it can be casted to a concrete, attached to a structure, and buried underneath a trench.

Every casing is assimilated with the cables, readouts, and probes in which the portable networks are deemed as both inexpensive and accurate factors. Affordability prevails with its manual yet easy utilization, while the accuracy originated from its ability to obtain excellent evaluations and measurements. It has been assimilated with two measurement approaches, certainly the Digitilt AT and Digitilt Classic Systems.

Digitilt Classic System is the standard or fundamental method internationally used. Its durability, reliability, and precision extended on the international range or scope which enabled the planners, engineers, and architects to effectively perform their responsibilities. On the other hand, the Digitilt AT System concentrated on some advanced procedures, technologies, and methods.

Additionally, it was incorporated with the In Place Measurement Systems which became profitable for immediate assessments and insuring that its safety and controls during construction assignments and projects. It could be related with the data loggers where the sensors are positioned to assess the fields, areas, and zones where deformation occurs frequently. Any details gathered by those devices caused to better findings which are analyzed or interpreted immediately.

Sensors were not only deemed as important assimilations, however it might be utilized as automobile security systems, cameras, aircraft flight controls, and specialty buttons. Apart from that utilization, it was utilized for platform flattening, boom angle warnings, and other elements which require angle examinations. In other situations, popular gaming associations are assimilating that machine with their consoles.

With this format of instrument, you can easily measure mountains amid your hiking and skiing adventures on the winter periods. Besides, you have the capability to easily determine average angles to evaluate which directions and paths should be beneficial for meeting your specifications. Because of this, searching for the right manufacturer is advised.

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The Great Stuff About Title And Registration Search

By Frank Cooper

Mostly, we wish to search for things based on the factors that we wanted to get. This is quite common though because it will change most of the information that is being established there. If you can keep up with that, the simpler for us to know whether we are getting into that manner or not.

While there are many factors that you shall get into this, the greater it is that you shall move through that and what is not. Title and registration search NY is where you must see things based on what you can do regarding this and pray we face a solution on this. If we get that kind of mechanics, the more you are enabled to see those methods out.

If you wanted to require yourself with the ideas that you wish to handle, we are making new points that will give us a way on how things are considered and where is not. The proper way to consider about this will handle the road to work into that as well. As we are able to face that type of thing, the simpler for us to hold yourself into it.

Great things can be there often times, but at least you can hold through the points and gain some possible notions about this. The stuff we face here will be a bit relevant in some cases that are plausible. If you handle that type of stuff, the more you can hold into that and hope that you face some situations to know what is right too.

We should be sure that there are right stuffs that we can do about this. If you think the good parts are not there, then maybe the changes that we could handle more about should be checked in many versions that are possible. If we are holding into that manner, it will be a good manner where we could see what are the concepts to hold through.

We should comprehend what kind of ideas that we wished to find out there. Settling for tons of ideas can be really good though that it will help you with what is factual and consider the instances to manage those things out. It might be right you could handle them out before you see those things out. For sure, that is an issue to hold that thing out.

The things that you could find on the web is a manner where the points are well established or not. As we can keep those points out, the vast we can see and hold into the details before we go about those parts and make the way to consider them as well. You should get to the very basic of this and mold the alterations on your end too.

We go ahead and get some prices to hold that thing about. If we can hope for that kind of information, it will be a wonderful you speak up with the details and give yourself with new notions as vast as possible without giving into it.

We have to reconsider what are the benefits to hold through and make some changes on your end as well. For certain, you will have to work on this every single time.

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Link to Carscoops

New Volvo V90 Reporting In For Police Duty In Sweden

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 04:27 AM PST

Volvo Cars have a long history in coming up with police cars for its home country that dates back to 1929. Over the years, vehicles such as the Amazon and 144 have also dressed up in the specific livery, and more recently, the XC70 and V70 estates served under local law enforcement agencies.
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Nissan Teams Up With AS Roma To Promote Zero-Emission Mobility

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 04:00 AM PST

While five automakers have joined their forces to create a wide network of ultra-fast, high-power charging stations, Nissan is currently promoting its electric vehicles in a different way.
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New 2017 Ford Fiesta Goes Upmarket, Comes With More Tech And Four Distinct Variants

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 03:13 AM PST

Ford finally revealed all the details around the new Fiesta, which is set to be offered in four different flavors, including the sporty ST-Line, the stylish Titanium, the range-topping Vignale and, for the first time, the jacked-up Active soft-roader.
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Europe's Largest Car Collection Raises $55 Million [52 Images]

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 02:00 AM PST

To say that RM Sotheby's Duemila Ruote auction was big would be like saying that Donald Trump's election was a bit of a surprise. In other words, a huge understatement.
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Want To Buy A Hybrid Ferrari F1 Racer? Too Bad

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 01:00 AM PST

What happens to F1 cars after they retire? While some teams keep theirs for display and demonstration purposes, others sell them to private collectors and enthusiasts. But that could soon come to an end, and the culprit could be today's hybrid powertrains.
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Insider Suggests Faraday Future's First Model Could Face Further Delays

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 12:04 AM PST

Just after stopping construction of its $1 billion factory in Nevada, reports have surfaced suggesting that Faraday Future is facing additional challenges.
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Base Alfa Romeo Stelvio Hits The Streets In Italian Style

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 11:02 PM PST

Less than a day after patent images of the base Alfa Romeo Stelvio surfaced online, a number of pictures have been snapped of three different base Stelvios on the street as well as one at the brand's factory.
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2017 Dodge Viper Ordering To Reopen Soon

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 10:01 PM PST

Dodge has confirmed that ordering for the 2017 Viper will reopen before the end of the year.
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European Ford Mustangs Gets Two Distinctive Special Editions

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 09:02 PM PST

Ford has used its 'Go Further' event in Cologne, Germany as the place to unveil two special Ford Mustang models set to be sold exclusively in Europe.
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The Grand Tour's Next Episode Brings Back The Cars In Epic Road Trip

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 08:31 PM PST

After The Grand Tour's second episode was almost completely free of any cars, episode 3 looks primed to be as car-focused as Top Gear of yesteryear.
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China's WM Motors Unveils Fleet Of Affordable EVs

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 07:33 PM PST

A new Chinese automaker by the name of WM Motor has just shown off its upcoming range of affordable electric vehicles.
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Ford Adds More Appeal To Transit With Custom Color And Sport Editions

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 08:31 PM PST

To most, vans are nothing more than ultra-practical vehicles perfect for moving things around and typically painted white. But for prospective van owners that want a little extra, Ford has the answer with the launch of the Transit Custom Color Edition and Transport Custom Sport.
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Australian Driver Stops For Refueling During High-Speed Police Chase

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 06:27 PM PST

Well, that's something you don't see every day; a high-speed police pursuit involving a BMW 3-Series north of Melbourne, Australia took a strange turn when the driver of the BMW stopped to refuel, not once but...three times in total.
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Clarkson Would Love Donald Trump On The Grand Tour So He Could Be 'Killed Off'

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 05:58 PM PST

While The Grand Tour has received rave reviews since its premiere, becoming one of the most highly rated shows ever, there's one segment that has raised a few eyebrows, 'Celebrity Brain Crush'.
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Techart Brings 720 HP Magnum Sport To Essen Motor Show

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 05:30 PM PST

Bringing a Cayenne Turbo S-based Magnum to Essen has become somewhat of a tradition for Techart, which is now displaying a new 720 HP Magnum Sport model at this year's show.
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2017 Cadillac CT6 Tries To Cut A Fine Line Between Segments, Says KBB

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 04:59 PM PST

With premium classes already well-defined and dominated mostly by the Germans, it seems the Cadillac CT6 is looking to attract buyers by blurring the lines between the mid- and full-size saloons in size and price.
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G-Power's 600 PS BMW M4 Coupe Is Faster, More Powerful Than The M4 GTS

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 04:30 PM PST

Owners of the BMW M4 Coupe who might be sighing after the GTS need not fret, as a set of aftermarket offerings are said to make it even more competitive than its hardcore sibling.
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Mercedes-AMG Boss Admits GT R Roadster Is "Under Discussion"

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 04:02 PM PST

Serving as a replacement for the larger and more expensive SLS AMG, the new AMG GT family has just welcomed three new members - two roadsters and the beastly 'R'.
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Volvo FH 540 Truck Takes Paraglider For An Extreme Stunt

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 03:33 PM PST

Whether it's Jean-Claude van Damme performing epic splits or the 2,400 HP Iron Knight breaking speed records, the Volvo Trucks brain trust seems continuously open to promoting their products in new and extreme ways.
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Ferrari To Auction Last LaFerrari No500 This Weekend For Charity

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 03:06 PM PST

The 500th and final Ferrari LaFerrari coupe produced will be sold on Saturday by RM Sotheby's in Daytona Beach, Florida.
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McLaren 570S Gets More Focused With £16,500 Track Pack Option

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 02:40 PM PST

Aimed at owners who enjoy occasional track day activity without ruining the car's daily usability, McLaren has released a Track Pack for the 570S.
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2018 Mercedes-Benz CLS Makes Spy Video Debut

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 02:13 PM PST

We've seen scoops and read reports on the replacement of the current Mercedes-Benz CLS, and now it's time to see it driven on the streets of Germany.
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Mercedes-Benz Invites Visitors At Gaggenau Museum To Drive Unimog Off-Road

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 01:51 PM PST

Have you ever wanted to put a Mercedes-Benz Unimog through its paces away from the asphalt, on challenging slopes?
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Volvo Set To Lead The Way For Autonomous Vehicle Interiors

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 01:24 PM PST

While many of its competitors are designing interiors focused on the driver, Volvo believes that it is better prepared for the future of driverless cars, leading the way in autonomous vehicle interior design.
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Rider Comes Face To Face With Ladder On Freeway, Crash Ensues

Posted: 29 Nov 2016 12:56 PM PST

The name of this clip pretty much says it all as there are very few things more scary than crashing your motorcycle on the freeway.
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