Archive for August 2017

Fine Points On Affordable Charter Bus Services California

By Kimberly Harris

Traveling with a bus may be a huge fun. Hence, to experience such a feeling, it might be a high time to consider affordable charter bus services California. These services are there to make certain that travelers are comfortable, and they lack nothing until they reach to their destinations. Hence, if you decide to take a trip, make sure you consider these services. Though, before you do that the below are aspects to put into notice so as to assist you determine the best service provider.

Search engines are there to assist people get details, which they require. They assist travelers to be conversant with certain types of charters that they may consider. Thus, it would be imperative to make use of these engines in order to help you in your research. In addition to this, ensure you have PC with you so as to access internet at the end of the day.

These services have to be offered by reliable providers. Thus, it would be for you to evaluate his dependability. Mostly, these providers have websites where you might visit and review the professionalism of these providers. Make sure you read the reviews as well as testimonials of satisfied clients. If you find them satisfactory, then, you may go ahead and consider the amenities.

In case you have reliable friends together with relatives, make sure you ask for their help. They may do this by offering referrals or recommendations. Either of these might assist you in getting a perfect provider that you might deal with. Thus, always speak to them and they will not hesitate to offer you the kind of help you need.

Most of the times, these providers are usually organizations or firms. Thus, if you decide to work with one of the firm, it will be important to evaluate the reputation first before you start working together. This may be determined through listening to the opinions of public or previous customers. In case they speak highly of that firm, then it means the organization may be trusted at the end of the day.

Presentation of important documents may be vital. These documents need to include insurance cover as well as license. With these papers, you as a traveler your mind would be at peace, since you will know that everything is under control. Thus, make sure you ask the provider to hand over the papers in order to look at them and evaluate his capability of offering services.

Finding a good charter these days might not be that easy. You will have to take your time in order to search and locate for a perfect provider. Hence, when choosing a charter to deal with, make certain it contains all the amenities that you may need during the trip. The most important ones should be catering amenities as well as accommodation services.

Taking a vacation is a wise thing, especially if you have been busy for a few months. This may be the best way to forget all your troubles or stresses, because you will have enough time to relax. Thus, as you think of means of transport, it might be vital to remember that bus amenities might be the best option; hence, ensure you consider it.

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The Characteristics Of Aviva Car Insurance

By Catherine Peterson

There are so many premium covers that compensate different types of losses. It will depend with the kind of agreement that the company and the client had. It is important for the Aviva car insurance company to explain to the clients the benefits and challenges of the covers that they offer. This will allow the customer to make a very clear decision that is not compromised by anything.

There are some features that such a company must always possess. Some of the features may include that the firm should employ people who are skilled. The skilled people will assist the firm in decision making process. This is because if they are not keen, they might find themselves incurring a very huge loss. The company will be unable to repay the loans they had borrowed from the banks.

There is also the advantage of the company having a lot of clients. The business must be able to reach out to so many customers and educate them on the benefits of the services they offer. When the individuals are convinced, they are can purchase the products and make the company to be very reach. The customers may come from any part of the world as long as they are in need of the services offered.

The amount of money that is charged each client might also be very high. Not all people can afford the money which is charged. Therefore, not all individuals are going to join the company. Hence the firm might not make the profit that it had targeted when it was entering into the market. The firm shall have a very difficult time trying to look for others ways which they can make their money.

When the service providers understand what their customers want, they shall render them with quality services. The clients shall enjoy what they shall receive form their experts. The services offered to them should benefit them even for a very long period of time. An individual will not suffer to seek the services again within a very short period of time.

The business man should be able to identify the opportunities which are in the market. They should work very hard to ensure that those opportunities benefit them before anybody else identifies them. A person should always make the maximum profit that they can ever make. After all they are there to make money.

There are so many individuals who are going to benefit from this company. They shall be given different types of jobs that they should do. At the end of every month, the workers will receive their salary. Therefore, it is very easy for them to improve their living standards.

A skilled person must always have good communication skills. This is because they are going to be dealing with a lot of people. It is not in order to speak to the clients in an arrogant manner because they might not buy the services and goods offered.

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Guides On Vehicle Renewal NY

By Kathleen Rogers

Each and every person deserves comfortable living. With the increase in income levels, people opt to buy cars for their use. It is therefore important to establish suitable vehicle renewal NY companies to guide you in selecting the best car for you. You must follow the guidelines they deliver to you strictly for better outcomes. There is a need to look for suitable persons to assist you in this area for enhanced results.

Check on the cost of a car before you buy it. You should ensure you have bought an automobile that has a good market value and thus one cannot get problems. Set aside enough capital that will be used in getting the new car and thus end up getting better services at the end.

Well-recognized firms are also worth being hired. These companies are usually the right ones to use as they can aid in getting the best outcomes. Make sure that you have settled for a good company that will aid you out in this. The firm should be ready to offer all sorts of services that you need without problems being witnessed. Choose any valuable firm and involve it in such kind of affairs.

You also need to ensure that the firm has attained the required standards of operation. Usually, those that are registered are the best ones as they have all that is required. They should possess all the required documents that are needed for proper functioning. Make sure that you select any company that has a good name to aid you in this area. At the end, you will get the most appropriate outcomes.

In any sale that you make, it is crucial to confirm that ownership of the property is fully changed. The various documents available must be exchanged in such a way that there is a lot of transparency. Transparency must be the main factor that needs to be considered here so as to avoid any of the parties getting involved in a fraud. This is mainly carried out when one needs to get another car or even a plot.

Look for help from people who might have been in the industry for long. These professionals can assist in getting the best results at the end of the day. Make sure that the people you engage in such fields have portrayed great progress in past projects. This will assist greatly in achieving the best results at the end of the day.

The amount of capital that is required for such an exercise also ought to be set aside. It should be readily available in order to complete all the tasks on time. Look for suitable sources and thus be ready to carry out the exercise. This is crucial as you shall end up getting the appropriate item at the end of the day.

Vehicle renewal is usually a very important exercise. You should ensure that you have hired the right professionals to assist in selecting the best brands for this. Choose professionals to aid in making the best decisions in the area also. This will help significantly in attaining the desired outcomes.

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Important Details To Learn Pertaining Title And Registration Services NYC

By Sharon Williams

People own many different items and properties and require to have proof of the ownership as well. It is not possible to simply say the property is yours without suitable proof to back that up. One should seek the title and registration services NYC, which are very important in meeting the legitimacy requirements. Every individual should be in possession of suitable proof of the ownership.

The registration is done by a legal body mandated by the government. Such a body is usually given the permission to access private details and information of the different clients who come to them. There is some range of payment which is set for the clients to pay after the process is successfully done.

Having the title, for instance to some piece of land, is very important since it helps in solving disputes. Some people usually have feuded over ownership of land, and such a case can be eased by offering the people their respective titles this way they cannot have violence and disputes between themselves since ownership of the property has proof.

Getting large amounts of loans from banks and other lenders requires one to have some collateral. This is necessary since it stands in for them as security, thus granting them the ability to get the loan. Huge loans require one to have equally valuable items, and having a deed to some piece of land is important for the matter.

When applying for the registration one is required to give their rightful details. They have to be very clear and avoid any possibility of ambiguity. This is important so as that the process can be made very transparent. Giving wrong or faulty details can have far reaching consequences. Thus one should be very keen in the process so as to avoid possible mistakes.

Lying and giving false information to acquire registration is illegal. However, it is not uncommon to find some people still involving in such malpractices. Most of them are even willing to give bribes just to get the registration, which is based on lies and selfish interests. When they are caught, such people are dealt with seriously by getting long imprisonment terms or face huge fines by the concerned courts.

There are some thieves who should be avoided since they pose agencies for the provision of these services. They should be looked out for keenly and be shunned. Such people charge heavily for the services, and they should be avoided since they offer illegitimate services. They operate undercover, and this is one of the reasons one has to suspect and avoid them so as to avoid getting easily duped.

In case a vehicle is stolen from the rightful owner, it is possible to trace and get the assailants. This is because every vehicle is usually under some name and that is the rightful possessor. This makes it possible ad easy to get the thieves and offer the person their vehicle. Therefore this service is very important in the daily life.

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Considerations When Searching For Flatbed Truck Driving Jobs

By Amy Peterson

Survival is only natural in this vast world. To live a good life, people need to work and cooperate with businesses to accomplish a job. With the diverse jobs available and advertise nowadays, its crucial for a person to find the best occupation that suits his level of expertise and capacity.

When you believe that using the steering wheel is your forte, becoming a driver is naturally the right task. Hundreds of flatbed truck driving jobs are present today. It basically takes some patience, smart decisions and dedicated effort to land a good spot on a nice company which believes in the capacity of their workers. Before anything else, you need to discover an area where you could begin your career. To get started, check out some tips and techniques below.

Company Consideration. In searching for an excellent company, be very careful since its possible that you would encounter various things. There might be different companies everywhere. But not every company can please and make you happy. Some are not treating their staffs well and does not even provide the benefits they deserve. Hence, it pays to become careful with the choices to make.

People. Do you believe that the staffs and the higher ups have concern on your welfare. Can they strictly implement safety rules and practices or not. While you need to find an ideal occupation, get to know the people too. One way of doing this is to ask fellow drivers or read some online blogs and reviews. Gather a good deal of information before finalizing your choice.

Impact of Choices. After you make yourself familiar with the people and working space, assess your decision. Does your choice leave an adverse or a nice impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones too. As much as possible, never speed up things and create immediate decision without knowing the possible outcome to prevent regrets and unfavorable consequences someday.

Pros and Cons. Every enterprise has two faces. One is the good sides and other is the bad sides. Hence, to prevent winding up with company which completely disrespects and ignores your needs, consider other choices. Weigh the advantages and the disadvantages of every company before attending interviews and knowing their capacity and expertise.

Equipment. When you notice that a company is providing safety gears, equipment and trucks, then you are in good hands. But when you witness a different environment and ambiance, consider making a different choice instead. Even though you only works as the driver, your safety must not be jeopardize. This is one thing to keep in mind to prevent problems.

Reputation. Knowing how trustworthy a company matters not just to clients but to the staffs as well. Be sure that you are working with a legally certified and competitive service, not on illegal ones. In such way, you would likely be free from unfavorable consequences someday.

Once you receive the job, always deal with every task seriously. Controlling and maneuvering trucks is tough and challenging. To prevent any forms of accidents and perilous situations, its relatively pivotal to be smart. Make wise decisions to get the best results possible.

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Ways To Hiring A Good Temp CDL Driver

By Daniel Parker

It is known that companies worldwide each have their own vehicles to transport their products to consumers or business who booked items from them. Items which should be distributed at the specific time schedule. But there are instances where your available truck drivers file for a leave of absence due to emergencies or problems that are really unavoidable. Leaving you no choice but to hire a temporary driver.

Keeping your business flowing will now be a challenge, including finding another reliable individual to fill in the shoes of that employee. Still, getting the right person to do this job is not as easy as pie. There is a need for further discretion until you can finally settle with that person and this article can show you how to find the right candidates for a Temp CDL Driver.

Before anything else, a little backgrounder about Commercial Drivers License. This is a type of license for operators who are allowed to maneuver heavy trucks that are meant for the delivery of various company goods, this includes hazardous ones like petroleum. This is a minimum requirement from the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986.

Various types of licenses include Class A, Class A Driver License permit, and Class B driver. However, they are not limited to driving tow trucks, buses, etc. These are drivers who have undergone the evaluation to see that they are fit to apply for the job in a trucking service.

Possessing a license as agreed by the state, these people are trustworthy enough to maneuver your goods to the right store. However, as an employer, it also your duty to do something and find a handler immediately. The following will be a few steps that we can recommend.

Post the job online. There are many websites where you create an account as an employer and place your job post. This alternative will not cost you a lot except the effort to write the job description which is not difficult. By placing it there in full detail, description, and company background, applicant, whether experienced or not, will be confident to send their resume to you.

Create posters. Find someone within your company, specifically an outgoing person, to stay outside the mall and approach people who might be interested. Also, you may ask for a permission from the government to place them in open areas around the state or city.

Radio or Newspaper Advertisement. In this option, you will need to pay a fairly high amount. However, it is also guaranteed that your posting will reach a number of audiences who are loyal customers to that publishing company or station. Having connections with a station manager might also grant you a discounted price. This is why it also important to build connections with people.

Word of mouth. This is the least effective way to find a driver. Inquire from your neighbors or relatives about people they know who are suited for this type of job. The downside of this, however, is that it will take longer or this individual might be a relative who will be too compliant about the job. And the upside, this person could be someone who is worth the trust.

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Tips And Tricks In Hunting For CDL A Driver Jobs

By Timothy Foster

Drivers typically have huge roles to portray while in the road. Since they need to control vehicles that have massive amount of weight, safety must be exercise. Regardless of how dire or immediate it is to send and deliver products to multiple destinations, drivers need to pay close attention on roads.

With the hundreds of companies that need drivers, a lot of aspiring applicants are on their way to be hired and work with the good ones. When looking for CDL A driver jobs, its the best of your interest to be on the right track and take things seriously. Despite the competition and the eagerness to be employed, your decision needs to critically considered. To find the job that suits to your personality, lifestyle and skills, here are pivotal things to check out for.

Define your lifestyle. Although this is fairly considered, its actually helpful to become clear about your lifestyle and how it can affect the choice of job. Before you browse job hunting sites and several pages to find information, its very important to meet the employers and be expose to a working environment. These activities help you absorb some ideas and information.

Start creating a list of potential candidates. Its invariably been an important thing to begin looking for trucking companies and then figure out the offers they can provide in exchange of your service. Make use of your unlimited resources. After you have created some names, browse the web to read reviews, articles, blogs, information and contact details that will make you stay connected with them.

Inquire. Should you happen to have a particular recruiter, have enough courage to seek some good answers by simply asking. Research plays integral role and that is one thing. But you should never forget to listen attentively to the suggestions and advice of others as well. Its totally fine to aim for higher position, but never forget to ask questions, nevertheless.

Seek advice from some drivers. Should you are not contented with the above mentioned factors, then ask for suggestions from other professionals such as fellow drivers since they have the knowledge and experience. Alternatively, visit social media pages to increase your knowledge. The more ideas you absorb, the better things will be. As the saying goes, knowledge is power.

Discover the company background. Compare the privilege and offers of every company before you enter into one. There are several things to discover with regard to a service. You would be at an advantage should you work in a firm that practices legal operations and exercise safety regulations. Constantly do your research until you land with a good place.

Do your homework. A prepared and knowledgeable driver usually wins the favor. As soon as the scheduled interview is set, be physically and verbally ready. The examiner would ask you plenty of questions, not to mention that he might also test your skills too.

In addition to the above mentioned procedures, take your job seriously. As a driver, your roles concern on delivering the products free from road mishaps and problems. Hence, never do anything you might regret eventually.

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Liberty Walk Teases Its Widebody Ford Mustang

Posted: 31 Aug 2017 04:30 AM PDT

Liberty Walk is back doing what Liberty Walk does best, creating insane widebody kits for some of the world's most revered performance cars. The latest car on its radar? The sixth-generation Ford Mustang.
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A BMW M5 Cabriolet Would Make Little Sense, But A Cop Car Would

Posted: 31 Aug 2017 03:57 AM PDT

While a Touring version of the new generation BMW M5 would most certainly be well received by enthusiasts, the same cannot be said about a convertible.
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Gloss And Satin Black Range Rover Gains Carbon Styling Mods

Posted: 31 Aug 2017 03:30 AM PDT

If you happen to favor all-black when it comes to the styling of your SUV, this modded Range Rover definitely merits your attention.
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1989 Toyota Supra Turbo Wants You To Put Some Miles On It

Posted: 31 Aug 2017 02:56 AM PDT

How much do you value the third generation Toyota Supra? Enough to pay around £9,000 ($11,645) at an auction for a good example?
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FCA, Hyundai And GM Offering Discounts To Hurricane Harvey Victims

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 07:52 PM PDT

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Hyundai and General Motors have all announced a number of discounts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Louisiana.
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Survey Says Animal Collisions Cost Americans $4 Billion Annually

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 07:06 PM PDT

A new study out of the United States has determined the frightening cost caused by animal collisions on roads across the country.
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This Rolls-Royce Phantom Has A Twin-Charged 2JZ

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 06:31 PM PDT

The 6.75-liter V12 engine found in the previous-generation Rolls-Royce Phantom is one of the most refined, smoothest and quietist internal combustion engines ever conceived, perfect for a luxury car like the Phantom.
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VW Recalls Over 280,000 Passats and CCs

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 06:02 PM PDT

Volkswagen will recall 280,915 Passat and CC models in the United States over a potential fuel pump issue.
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Jon Sibal's Toyota 86 Begs For More Power

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 05:32 PM PDT

This aggresively sculpted Toyota 86 is the work of digital illustrator and tuning, partner Jon Sibal who decided that the affordable Japanese sports car would look its best with a custom body kit.
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Create Your Own 2018 Continental GT With Bentley’s Configurator

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 05:01 PM PDT

Bentley has added the new Continental GT to its official configurator, giving the chance to everyone to create their preferred spec.
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2012 Terradyne Gurkha Is An Armoured Ford F-550XL That'll Cost You $699,900

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 04:29 PM PDT

But what on Earth is a Terradyne Gurkha, you ask? It's an armored truck, based on a Ford F-550 XL, which can handle just about everything that can be thrown, or launched at it.
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New LC 500 Is Exactly What Lexus Needed Right Now

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 03:59 PM PDT

Having a proper halo model in the range is pretty important for Lexus and the new LC 500 looks like the ideal car for them.
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Toyota Takes Top Spot In Latest American Customer Satisfaction Index

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 09:49 PM PDT

The latest study by the American Customer Satisfaction Index has revealed new car owners are becoming less satisfied with their purchases.

According to the group's latest study, overall driver satisfaction has fallen by 1.2 percent to a score of 81 on its 0-100 point scale.

American automakers, in particular, took a hit as General Motors was the only company to see it satisfaction score climb this year. The company received a score of 82 which put it ahead of rivals such as Ford (81) and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (77).

Foreign automaker dominated the list as they took five of the top six spots. Toyota scored 86 points and was followed by Subaru (85), GMC (84), and Hyundai (83).

The news wasn't all good for foreign automaker as Honda was hammered in the latest report. Its satisfaction level dropped six percent to 81 points which tied it with Chevrolet.

On the luxury side, the top three brands were Lexus (86), Mercedes (84), and Cadillac (83). Acura finished last with a score of 80 but that's a significant improvement from 2016 when the company only received a score of 76.

ACSI Chairman Claes Fornell says "major steps" need to be taken to ensure American automakers create satisfied and loyal customers. As he noted, "There was a surge in demand and increasing customer satisfaction with foreign cars in the 1980s, mostly because the domestic auto industry had difficulty keeping up. While U.S. cars have improved much over the years, they have not been as consistent in quality and customer satisfaction compared with their international counterparts."

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Mercedes Reportedly Suspends Sales Of The E350d

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:58 PM PDT

Mercedes can't seem to shake their diesel problems as Autocar is reporting the company has suspended sales of the E350d in Germany.
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BMW Plans To Showcase At Least Ten Different Models In Frankfurt

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:31 PM PDT

The countdown to the Frankfurt Motor Show continues as BMW has unveiled its plans for this year's event.
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McLaren 650S Spider Crashes Into A Tree At A Wedding Party

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:00 PM PDT

Putting supercars into the hands of inexperienced drivers is never a good idea and neither is attempting to use launch control in a parking lot.
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Porsche Hybrids Will Only Be Available With PDK Transmissions

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 01:32 PM PDT

Porsche is one of the few companies that champions the manual transmission but don't go looking for a stick in a hybrid variant.
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Volkswagen R Lineup Set To Grow, Four New Models Could Be In The Pipeline

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 01:01 PM PDT

The Volkswagen R lineup is a shadow of its former self but that could soon be changing.
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Canada Won't Get The VW T-Roc Either

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 12:23 PM PDT

Shortly after we received confirmation that the VW T-Roc won't be offered in the United States, it's been revealed that the SUV isn't on the cards for Canada either.
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McLaren Roubaix Is An $11,500 Bicycle

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 11:52 AM PDT

McLaren is back at it, developing a high-priced bicycle with Specialized, dubbed the S-Works Roubaix.
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Uber Being Investigated Over Foreign-Bribery Law Violations

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 11:22 AM PDT

Uber chief executive Dara Khosrowshahi has barely been in the job for a day and it has already emerged that the ride-hailing company in involved in an investigation as to whether it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
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Grand Cherokee Trackhawk Review: More Of A Dodge Than A Jeep

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 10:51 AM PDT

As reviews are starting to pour in for the Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk, it seems that we might have a real brawler on our hands, as long as you keep it on asphalt.
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Denmark To Slash Car Taxes From 180% To 100%

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 11:19 AM PDT

Cars are set to become much cheaper in Denmark under a proposal to slash registration duties across the country.
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Detroit Electric To Share Future Model Plans At LCV2017

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 09:49 AM PDT

EV start-up, Detroit Electric, will be revealing its future product plans during its appearance at next month's Low Carbon Vehicles 2017 event.
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Up To 500,000 Vehicles Could Be Scrapped After Hurricane Harvey

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 09:18 AM PDT

Approximately 500,000 cars are expected to be scrapped due to damage caused by Hurricane Harvey.
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