Why LED Tail Lights Require an LED Lens

By Sean Patrick

So you're touring along the road at dusk and out bursts an impressive Audi hatchback from your peripheral vision, gracing you with a peek at its distinctive LED taillights while causing you to be in the dust. Your exit is fast forthcoming and also the right lane is the current destination. Adopting the Audi's representation, some knucklehead inside a Toyota Tacoma proceeds to overtake you along with a number of other vehicles to achieve second place on the exit ramp. Therefore, the traffic light switches yellow and he slams on his brakes in reaction to the car in front of him, almost producing a half a dozen car pile up.

Let's check out this circumstance a tiny bit further than the obvious wrongdoings represented by the blue collar truck driver together with the rich business man driving the pricey sport vehicle. Both hooligans leading the rest were in fact capable of complete this high speed stunt, but the dangers associated with each driver is very separated by the most significant pieces of equipment on every single motor vehicle: the taillight.

You need to assess the LED taillight of a Toyota Tacoma and also the LED taillight of any Audi, carefully, and pick what one you would prefer to be lurking behind within this customary happenstance. Be sure you consider the running lights, as well as the illumination of the brake lights. Use a search engine to find these pictures on the web.

As you can tell, the truck exhibits a pathetically lousy measure of illumination compared to the luxury sedan. The Audi's running lights are just like the Toyota's brake lights. Both are OEM lights. Something's seriously wrong with that.

Moving beyond my personal subjectivity, the Audi's taillights are noticeably brighter. Why is this? Easy. The effective use of (or lack thereof) an LED lens.

The LED lens is definitely a crucial part in the productive treatment of a light emitting diode for automotive purposes, and industrial applications likewise. Much like a halogen lens, the LED lensensures that every last bit of light will be utilized to its entire potential. With no adequately measured lens containing suitable reflective characteristics, your brand new LED setup is going to be rudimentary and incompetent. Honestly, it baffles me how these OEM taillights earned the DOT affirmation.

Quite a lot of vehicles on the streets currently have either OEM, retrofitted, replacement or DIY taillights that ineffectively incorporate LED technology. These defective, rolling crash magnets don't accept the need to project the harnessed stream of light which is dimly glowing from the outside of the motor vehicle. It's for this reason that it simply isn't good enough to simply buy an LED strip, slap it in the headlight housing and hope the front end of the car to appear like an Audi. Nice try, though. You'll need projection, a lot of enhancement and... a lens.

If utilized efficiently, the LED can be a very secure alert tool for subsequent motorists. Only grouping many LEDs together is not going to work. A lens is needed to enhance the light of each LED so as to exceed the capacity of the customary halogen bulb. Just like a halogen bulb demands a refractive housing, an LED will need a lens. Distinct terms, identical function. Numerous variants are available.

To summarize, the LED lens is a required piece of equipment for anyone seeking to use LED technology in the taillight sector and replicate the pros. Drive carefully and tailor responsibly.

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