Rebranding Done Through Vehicle Decal Wraps

By Rob Sutter

I don't think that anyone will disagree with the idea of an image change because it seems to be the one aspect that can keep a company in the loop. It's clear that a company can do exceedingly well in the world but is this necessarily going to happen if the company in question refuses to change? They may find that it will benefit them to change with the times. In this case, I think that vehicle decal wraps can grant a successful re-launch, all the while attracting potential clients.

It seems like change is one of those things that people will take to differently. For example, nostalgia may play a part in people not accepting it, such as how Nickelodeon changed its logo. It made the shift from a cartoony splatter with the company name to simply orange text spelling out, "nick." It seemed too simple for some people and those who grew up in the 90's did not see the reason for this change other than to add work which didn't have much reason.

However, if you manage to step away from nostalgia for just a moment, you may just fine that this change was for the better, considering how the world is changing. It doesn't seem like many kids are sitting down in front of the television on Saturday morning in order to watch cartoons. Instead, they may be on the Internet, searching Tumblr while expecting that the episode will be on Netflix before long. The shift to a more technical look makes sense, whether people like it or not.

I think that the idea of exposure can help a certain look get over well with a crowd. Of course, the designs have to look great and I think that this is one area which vehicle decal wraps are able to have down pat. The reason that I say this is because they can reach a good number of people so that the maximum amount of eyes on the product is seen. I don't think anyone will disagree once they see the work produced by companies such as JMR Graphics.

Rebranding is going to be taken by the general audience differently, depending on how much they have invested in the name in the past. Ones like Nickelodeon may not gain as much positive reception, since they believe it will change the way the entire network is structured. However, when it's done for food and drinks, it's likely they will not change, so it's not as drastic. Clearly there is a great amount of feelings that are going to be quite varied as far as crowd reaction is concerned.

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