LED Emergency Light Bars Are More Than You Think

By Michael Obrien

It is common for people to see and recognize the lights on a police car or other emergency vehicle. What people do not know is that over the years the design and build of these have changed from the old bulb-style lights to the newer, cheaper, and brighter LED emergency light bars. These have become the standard within the industry for any vehicle needing this lighting.

Since the switch was made some years ago to move from the old style filament bulbs to the light emitting diode or LED lights, these bars or strips that held the lights in various configurations were available for a variety of uses. Of course the emergency vehicles and other municipality vehicles jumped on them first but others took advantage as well.

When almost every municipal department across the country is looking for ways to save money, switching out the bars on all of the emergency vehicles in the fleet is the best way to start. There might be an initial financial hit when purchasing the replacements but in the long run the cities will save money. Every city government is looking for ways to decrease the budget and this is just one way that can be done.

One of the biggest advantages beside the fact that the small size of the LED gave more design options is the fact that they were much cheaper to manufacture than the previous versions. Whenever an organization could save money it is a good thing. Not only that but they lasted much longer as well which means less money spent in the long run as well.

The fact that they will not have to be replaced for a long time is a great selling point. They will also require less maintenance because there are less parts and the lights themselves will last longer. This is good news for the smaller towns with less money to burn because they will spend less on this portion of their budget.

That is after all the main use for these pieces of equipment and the same reason they were originally placed on emergency vehicles. They give the people around the truck, car, snow mobile, or dune buggy the opportunity to see the vehicle coming so they have time to get out of the way. They can be almost as important as the horn.

Consider a construction zone or street maintenance vehicle that instead of having no alert lighting has one of these light strips on the top to alert other vehicles of their presence. There will undoubtedly be less accidents because other drivers can see them much further away then before. There is no doubting the power of this equipment.

The durability of the LED emergency light bars also made them a better choice too. Many of the uses they are put into are subject to possible damaging situations and they need to protect their investment. So the fact that you cannot break the individual LED like you could a bulb makes a big difference when both designing and placing these strips or setups.

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