Its Sad That Modern Vehicles Cannot Be Easily Fixed Anymore

By Sandra MacBain

It can be said that no book or manual about do-it yourself auto repairs is fully complete without a section that concerns auto repair safety. Yet interestingly enough few budding or even experienced auto mechanics it seems pay serious attention to safety and basic safety procedures.

While it is true that vehicles are more trouble free, requiring less maintenance, and with more electronic and automated systems today does not mean "no maintenance" ever. Auto dealership service departments still do a roaring business. Yet at dealerships , big box auto service outlets etc its not always a case of quick lane factory dealership quality support service levels and standards. Its not always a case Even though some avid auto owners may insist that their cars, trucks or SUVs never ever "break down" , Toyota and other Japanese auto dealership service departments are still in business with plenty of repairs on hand, and a long queue if you wish to book your automobile for service.

What are some safety precautions that backyard and do-it-yourself mechanics and budding service technicians should employ as a matter of standard procedure and course?

It has to be said and driven home to never ever run an engine inside a closed garage. You would think that this would be the first rule of auto maintenance and repair. Yet many try to get away with -"I will just run the motor for a second" is sometimes the refrain and excuse. . Buildup of dangerous and deadly CO, (that is Carbon Monoxide gas), and gas fumes are odorless and color and can be lethal. If you must run the engine, simply open the garage door or alternately vent the fumes outside with a length of tubing or hose. After all its not as if you are running a major multimillion dollar auto service and trades facility.

Lastly in this day and age with late model and current vehicles having computerized engine components and systems overall - as opposed to older mechanical contact points and less elaborate ignition and control systems , always remember that these computerized electronics are more than sensitive to voltage overloads and fluctuations. It is little different than the sensitive nature of your home computer and how sensitive these computer systems are too simple, in a flash electrical surges. Always remember two things - one that ongoing and regular maintenance of your automobile is the best value overall and provides for the best safest and most reliable driving and motoring.

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