Open Manhole Covers Safely With Use Of Manhole Cover Lifter Systems

By Marla Mills

Sewer lines can be accessed through manholes for inspection or doing maintenance work. The manholes are covered with heavy lids that need to be opened prior to accessing the channels. Because of safety reasons, it is advisable that you use a manhole cover lifter system that does not require a lot of force to open the holes.

Today, there are more innovative tools for opening these covers. Unseating the manhole or freeing the manholes covers from the frame may not be easy. The traditional way of opening manholes lid covers poses many risks to people. Although there are keylifters that need the use of your hand to lift the cover, these still pose a risk because the lids could be so heavy that you cannot support them even after freeing from the frame.

In addition, the dirt that has deposited in the gaps between the metallic covers and the frames makes them firmly stick together. The debris may cause corrosion, which further cements the covers and the frames. Lifting covers that have not been opened for a long time is quite difficult. In past, if the manholes where had tight fitting covers, people could thumb them with sledgehammer but this caused damages and broke the metallic covers.

Vehicles and people passing over the covers further make them tight. Debris and dirt also deposits on the gaps between the lid and frame making the two surfaces to hold firmly together. The covers may corrode and stick together with the frame making it difficult to unseat them. Often people use crude ways such as sledgehammers to thumb the plate covers and loosen them.

The tightly bond frames and covers mean that opening the lids that have remained unopened for long requires a lot of force. The traditional methods of using sledgehammers to thumb the tight fitting covers are very risk. The hammers could strain muscles and cause bodily injuries. Wielding hammers may cause metal pieces to detach and fly in air risking you of eye injuries.

The lifting keys fit into slots in the manholes covers and easily unseat them from the frame. There are even more advanced lifting systems that use magnetic fields and these work for the metallic covers. In addition, even when the manhole is opened, it can slip and fall. This could cause injuries on your foot and hands.

To avoid back injuries and muscle tension or strain, you can use the keylifters that are designed to fit into lid slots and lift the hole covers easily. You do not use a lot of force to open up the lids with the keylifter systems. Safety is important when accessing or opening manholes. Because of their heavy weight and likelihood of sticking together with the frames, they have to be lifted carefully.

The nature of the surrounding environment within the manholes also makes it unsafe to open them manually with your hands or hand-held keylifters. The ground may be slippery, broken, and unstable meaning you may slip when you are supporting the cover. This can be dangerous because the lid could hit your hands or feet. In essence, you can use the manhole cover lifter systems to prevent injuries when unseating the covers.

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