Do I Need To Have A Blog To Be Considered For Car Sponsorship?

By Chris R

You're a hobbyist who enjoys racing your car on the weekend - competing in local events for bragging rights and the excitement you get from racing around a track at high speeds. But you're not independently wealthy, and racing can be expensive. You'd really like to get some new suspension parts (or a new exhaust, or some other go-fast parts) for your car and would like to work a deal with a company who sells those parts via a sponsorship deal. Do you really need to have a blog to get sponsored? Your chances of getting sponsors will be drastically improved if you did have a blog. If you have a little bit of time to devote to documenting your events, and you are comfortable around a computer (and the internet), a blog is a no-brainer. It's cheap and doesn't require any special skills to set up and maintain. Anyone can do it with just a little guidance.

So, what should you have posted on your blog? You are essentially creating a profile site for your racing efforts to share with viewers - an audience you are going to accumulate with time. Prospective sponsors will visit your blog to get a sense of whether they find value in sponsoring you and your car. When these companies go to your blog they should see content in the form of blog entries, photos from the build and/or events you have been competing in, an "about us" page which talks about your auto racing plans and successes, a "contact us" page, and of course, a page displaying your current sponsor logos with links pointing to their websites.

The most effective and best approach to build a professional looking blog is to sign up for a website hosting service that features Wordpress hosting and domain name registration together. Wordpress is considered the most widely used blogging platform in the world. You shouldn't be spending more than $8 per month for a blog site. A number of hosting companies make it very simple to setup a Wordpress blogging site too - some in less than 5 minutes. And that means you can have a basic website up with photos and some event blog posts in no time at all.

Before asking for help from a family member or a buddy who has knowledge of graphic design to build you a website, see how easy it can be to do yourself. Most of us have encountered sites that look like they were designed 20 years ago, or some that are just too overdone. A lot of the time this occurs when you get a friend involved who happens to design websites in their spare time (or even fulltime). The beautiful thing about Wordpress is that you can easily customize the look and feel of your blog with just a few clicks. No website development or coding knowledge is necessary. All you need to do is read through the Wordpress Codex to become familiar with the administration of a Wordpress blog .

Yes, sponsors will certainly expect you to have some sort of website, preferably a blog which will be kept up to date with all of your event participation. Now that you know how painless and inexpensive it is to create a blog there isn't anything preventing you from starting your own and building up an online racing profile which sponsors will look over to identify if you are worthy of sponsorship.

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