Discover How To Keep Your Car Healthy

By Kenya File

Your car is a major investment and should provide many years of dependable service. However, you must take proper care of a car to get the most for your investment. Here are some helpful tips from your Lincoln Park auto repair pros to help you avoid future problems.

Change the oil on a regular basis. Many auto manufacturers recommend as long as 7,000 miles or more between oil changes. If you want to keep your engine clean and running smooth, consider changing the oil at about 3500 miles. This is very important for many modern four cylinder motors as contaminants can collect in oil, reducing its lubricating properties.

Older cars need more attention so you need to pop the hood and check the oil about once a week. An older vehicle is more likely to leak oil or other engine fluids, so keep an extra quart of oil in your car. Never depend on warning lights as when they flash, it might be too late.

Keep tires properly inflated and check them each month. In cold weather you may need to check tires every week as cold air can zap them. When you check tires, look to see if they are wearing unevenly. This could be the sign of steering or suspension wear and should be taken care of as soon as you can.

The first of the month is a good time to perform a car service check. Check all fluids and make sure the electrical components are in working order. Note the function of brake and tail lights. Have someone flash the turn signals as you check, and do not forget the horn.

When you need routine maintenance, it is much easier to take the car to your local shop. They can change your oil and make important inspections in just a matter of minutes. Your Lincoln Park auto repair professionals are there to help you keep your car in good condition.

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