Tips On Using A Motorcycle Visor Cleaner

By Marissa Velazquez

Given the risky nature of bike riding, a good quality helmet that is well maintained is necessary. Clean helmet will be a good addition to a rider's journey be it short or long. To achieve this, one needs a good motorcycle visor cleaner for that clarity of view and shine of the helmet. It is advisable to use good brands that are easily available in the market.

It may not be as simple as it looks. To clean a helmet thoroughly, one has to dismantle it and this requires the right tools and skills. Using the wrong material to clean the visor will damage it or make it foggy hence limiting the view when riding. Unless you are sure, let the professionals clean it for you.

Most manufacturers of these cleaning products take it upon themselves to pack cleaning materials with the product. This saves the consumers the task of searching for the right cleaning material. Special clothes or sponges are provided so the visor and helmet are well taken care of without any scratches left. They also ensure the chemicals are safe for your hands when using them.

Other items needed for helmet cleaning are brushes and cotton buds. When all the tools and material are ready, get an open space to start the cleaning. It is advisable to do this in the sun so as to facilitate quick drying of the insides. A counter or open table will be best for this cleaning duty.

Wash your hands prior to handling the cleaning job. All the cleaning materials like clothes, sponge and cotton buds should be confirmed to be clean and smooth. This is to avoid scratching the helmet. It is advisable to take a picture of the helmet joints so as to refer when reassembling. This minimizes instances of failure of parts to fit together as before it was disassembled.

As soon as you're ready with all that is required, it is time to lay on the table the helmet. Remove the parts and screws one by one and lay them in order of removal. The helmet pads and inner lining are removed and soaked in warm water with a visor disinfectant.

Using a clean sponge that is non invasive, clean the visor. Your fingers will move through and around the glass feeling for any dirt to be removed. The brushes are used to clean the unreachable parts of the shell then use a soft cloth to shine the surface of the shell. Once the visor is dry, spray a coat on it to prevent fogging.

After drying all the parts and lining you should start the reassembly. First lubricate the parts using grease then take the parts back one by one. Confirm with the photos taken prior to disassembly for best fit. After tightening all the screws, polish the entire helmet to shine it and make it appear new. Remember to keep the remaining motorcycle visor cleaner in a safe place away from the sun and children.

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