If You Want To Go On Wine Tours Ohio Is The Place To Go

By Jerri Perry

Ohio has many wineries today, scattered all over this state. As winemakers began to discover the favorable influence of the soil and climate on grape growing, they became excited about the possibilities of producing excellent wines. The different regions all produce different types and offer unique tasting experiences. One can choose to visit a specific region or simply go to individual wineries throughout the state. If you want to go on wine tours Ohio has many companies offering these in all regions.

Certain varietals, like the grapes used to make chardonnay and sauvignon blanc, perform better in colder climatic conditions than others. In the cooler north east region these varietals flourish whereas it is in the warmer southern regions that the grapes for red wines grow better. From the Appalachians and Lake Eerie right across the state many excellent, award winning wines can be tasted.

Certain varietals grow better in cooler conditions and others in warm conditions. The northern region produces great wines like chardonnay and savignon blanc because of its cooler climate. Certain red wines like pinot noir and cabernet franc are also produced in the northern regions but it is the southern regions with the warmer climate that produces more red wines.

A tour of a winery usually offers one the opportunity to taste different wines, go on a tour of the cellar and purchase wines too. One can also eat at a restaurant and visit a gift shop. Wine tastings are held on a daily basis and a small fee is usually charged.

There are so many different tour options available that it is important to consider what suits your particular interests and budget. You may decide to go on an organized bus tour. Tourists are picked up from particular locations, saving them from having to drive. They usually stop at a couple of locations, each one including a tasting of local wines. This is often a suitable choice for the budget conscious.

A more customized option for those who are not on such a tight budget, is to have a chauffeured tour. The driver is usually experienced and knowledgeable about the different wineries. A customized itinerary can be developed if necessary. It can be planned for just one couple or for a small group. The vehicles used are usually luxurious and comfortable.

It is possible to self drive to many wineries all over the state but having to drive yourself is always less relaxing. With someone else driving, one does not have to fear losing the way. Tour companies often build up good relationships with the owners of wineries, meaning that tour groups are often given special treatment. Going on a tour is also a good way of meeting new people in an unpressurized situation.

If you are wanting to go on wine tours Ohio is a state to consider. It offers many different types of experience, from bus trips to chauffeured customized drives. You can decide on a tour based on your budget and particular interests. Having a guide or chauffeur can make a difference to your experience due to their specialized knowledge. You will be educated and entertained at the same time.

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