Ways Slope Meters Help In The Construction Of Architectural Marvels

By Marylou Forbes

When driving on a wavy surface, the measurement of the slope helps the driver moving up or down with correct speed and power. One needs to make use of any of the available slope meters on his or her dashboard to get an accurate reading of any of the slopes. While driving the hilly roads, it helps determine the safe "curve-speed" most accurately and almost instantly.

In cases where the car is perfectly level, the instrument shows a zero reading. When the car is on a slope, the meter indicates the positive or negative values in degrees. The instrument is used widely by traffic and highway engineers due to its quick and accurate readings. Apart from smooth driving on wavy roads, the meter is also used during construction of inclined surfaces, building a crown, leveling or grading surfaces, etc.

The instrument is built quite robustly and is hermetically sealed in order to withstand extreme working conditions such as heat, cold, dust, rain, and snow. It can be used for both wide and narrow range of slopes. The narrower the range, the better its accuracy level is.

All of us have experienced the trouble of driving through water puddles or pools on the road just after a heavy rain shower. Present day technology uses proper meters to measure the slopes when developing crowns. It prevents the formation of low spots or flat surfaces, and helps solve the water accumulation problem perfectly.

Water puddles that accumulate on roads after a heavy shower causes trouble for drivers. This happens due to a buildup of flat surfaces or low spots while constructing the road slopes. However, present day engineers use tilt meters to improve accuracy in slope while constructing these roads, and eliminate problems like this completely.

The operators of asphalt pavers, wheel ditchers, and tunneling machines can estimate "percent of grade" with the help of tilt meters. Bull-dozers and motor graders also use the slope values while leveling or grading uneven surfaces. Construction engineers certainly need to measure the slopes as well when building crowns or inclined surfaces.

These meters are also known as inclinometers, clinometers, tilt meters, slope gauge, gradient meter, level meter, and declinometer. Three different units of measurement are provided in these meters including degree, topo, and percentage. The indicator is available in both analog and digital display mode as well.

The instrument includes a base or flat side, and a half-filled hollow disc which is mounted on the base. Half the space in the disk is filled with some heavy liquid, and the glass surface on the disk is marked with a graduated scale. The graduations reflect the angle, where the liquid inside adjusts in respect to the flat base surface.

Installing the instrument on the dashboard to receive the slope value continuously enables a driver to estimate the safe or optimum "curve speed" almost instantly. Considering its utility, demand for these instrument increases day by day. Hundreds of companies offer their range of products, so one must select the meter that suits him or her most.

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