Some Information On O2 Sensor Recycling

By Harriet Porter

Also referred to as lambda sensors, 02 sensors are electronic devices which are used to measure oxygen levels in liquids and gases. Once they are used up they head back to o2 sensor recycling companies. They have varied uses such as combustion engines, experiments on plants and animals, by medical practitioners and even in deep sea diving.

Several companies specialise in 02 sensor process all over the world. They remove different parts of the lambda sensors and recycle them. Usually they extract the precious metal in these devices usually platinum for other uses. They purchase sensors that are not working properly or those that have stopped working completely and remodel them for use in other sensors.

The PGM recovery systems is a well-known recycler of the sensors and they purchase them both in retail and in wholesale. Their major condition for purchasing a sensor from you is that they have to be whole. They offer very favourable prices for these devices. They also accept overseas shipment if the seller is in a different country. This is contingent on the fact that the shipping must be done in the correct way to avoid further damage by water during shipment.

Another one of the players in the industry is Rockaway which has attractive rates for their suppliers. They are known to settle their part of bargain in the shortest time possible once an agreement has been struck. Since they are only interested in the sensors, they only remove and give you back your machinery the same state it was.

In possession of tonnes of knowledge and expertise which lightens the workload of recycling, is Duesmann and Hensel company. Their immediate payment policy, door to door collection of sensors that are not working and the fact that they give professional advice to clients who have had problems with sensors makes them the company of choice if you are selling sensors that have stopped working.

In Alabama, the JR recovery, a family owned business has the expertise and the experience to deal with recycling of the 02 sensors. The Somerville based company purchases the lambda sensors if the cone end has not been tampered with the general condition of the sensor notwithstanding. The firm is open for both local and international shipments of the product.

Precious metals is all that matters when it comes to Exhausted Inc. Which is seriously involved in trading buying platinum from used up sensors. Their main clientele is locally based but sometimes they deal with regional clients with the door open for global people willing to sell to them. With the campaigns to grow green growing each day, the company has taken up the necessary measures to protect the environment for a better tomorrow.

Wherever you are located, whatever your needs are, whatever the price or value you place on your products, it is easy to find a person to sell your worn out 02 sensors to for recycling purposes. Evaluation should be done and comparisons made to get the highest value for your products.

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