Useful Information On Slope Meters

By Marlene Blevins

There are many circumstances when true slopes without waves need to be constructed on land. This is normally achieved using devices called slope meters. The devices are installed on graders and other machines, which are used in the construction of the slopes. The use of this device allows work that may otherwise need to be done during the day to be done at night with the same level of precision.

The device helps contractors to avoid moving more land than they are getting paid for. In addition, the rate of doing work is also enhanced when the meter is used. The designs of the devices allow them to be used in areas with high levels of dust, precipitation, and other factors. The working mechanisms in the device are protected by a tight seal that cannot allow the named agents from reaching them.

These devices are categorized into different categories. The major categories are slope-meter no 1, no 2, and no 2NS, steep slope meter, and safe indicator also called curve speed. Category No 1 devices are used on almost all crown and slope construction projects. The figures calibrated into the device indicate the level of steepness of land. For instance, when the ball settles on the number 8, it indicates that the steepness of the land is in the ratio of 8 to 1.

Degrees are represented by tiny triangles integrated in the products. The triangles are used as references. Bulldozers and motor graders are the most common machines installed with category No 1 devices. Crown work is mostly done using gadgets in category No 2. Their calibration is in hundred 0.01 to 0.16. They also fin use in estimating percent of grade. Wheel ditchers, tunneling machines, motor graders, and asphalt pavers are common machines they are used on.

No 2NS category devices have large numerical scales making them readable at a glance. Indicator tubes on the scales also have a big size. These gadgets are suitable in applications where they are placed at some distance from the operator. Category NO 2 and 2 NS are used on the same kinds of machines.

Safe indicator is the device used to determine safe driving speed on curves. When the vehicle is on a leveled land, the indicator rests on the zero mark. However, the indicator can move up to an angle of 25 degrees on either side depending on how tilted the vehicle is. Danger zones are indicated beyond 10 degree on either side of the scale using a red color.

Steep meters are useful in all environments where steeper readings of the slopes are needed. They are calibrated in percentage of grade. The percentage of grade runs from 0 percent to 50 percent. They perform well on bulldozers, motor graders, and similar equipment. All the different categories of devices discussed above are independently replaceable. As such, they also have replacement parts.

Factors that influence price include quality, accuracy, manufacturer, and the material the device is made from. The accuracy of most devices is not affected by work environments. Casings are made from various materials like plastic, aluminum, or steel.

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