Taking A Look At Perterbilt Chrome

By Christa Jarvis

The plating operation involves covering a part of a greater or lesser thickness of 0.5 microns (decorative chromium) 1/10 mm ground (hard chromium). The required qualities to surface layer is not the same as the intended applications are usually two kinds of plating. It provides shiny surfaces polished chromium decorative chromium aims (Perterbilt chrome). It is used for example for the bumper and door handles.

Hard chromium is used in applications where mechanical friction conditions are severe as anti-wear coating. It is used eg for landing gear, door systems of aircraft, etc. Since the work of Bunsen (1854) and Genther (1856), the use of electrochemical deposition of chromium has become widely used in all fields of mechanics. Hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of chromium allowed to cover this metal piston rings, the guide-son, rods or cylinders of dampers, ice dispensing pumps, tooling of all kinds. However, galvanic deposits have many drawbacks: Chromium plating baths are chromic acid and sulfuric acid at a ratio of 1/100. The bath has a base of Cr plus 6 which is reduced to Cr plus 3, the molecules are deposited on the workpiece.

It can shown by X-ray diffraction, however, that such material does not combine with chromium, so that their action is not easy to interpret. The friction tests conducted on films obtained by PCM show that resistance to fatigue of parts thus treated is superior to that obtained by electrodeposition, and naturally there are no more hydrogen embrittlement . The plating is a chromium coating on a surface of iron or steel to protect it.

There are basically three configurations of bathrooms: based electrolyte salts of chloride, based electrolyte salts of sulphate electrolyte mixture of salts of sulphate and chloride. We use insoluble anodes of graphite to avoid the phenomenon of oxidation of chromium to anodes. The plating can performed in various ways: Plating hot, Plating cold, electroplated .

Used in plating process chemicals and wastes are extremely toxic, in most countries, this process is under strict regulation. In industry, chromium is used for reducing friction, increase wear resistance, increased corrosion resistance. This process provides enhanced resistance to gas corrosion of steel (scaling resistance) at temperatures up to 800 degrees C, high resistance to corrosion in environments such as water, sea water and nitric acid.

The argon ions that result from this field are attracted to target, they hit violently, tearing metal atoms M and projecting into environment. These atoms will then condense on the surface of objects placed in front of target. We then obtain "diode sputtering", which is very slow. It takes between 10 minutes and 1 hour to obtain a deposition thickness of order of microns.

By applying a magnetic field in addition to electric field perpendicular, it significantly increases the density of plasma which is formed around the target, the deposition rate can then reach a commercially acceptable value of order of 1 micron / min. Deposits made by PCM are much less cracked and much more compact than those made by electroplating but they are also much softer. The presence within confines of traces of other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, can correct this defect and even achieve much higher hardness.


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