The Benefits Of Getting MAIF Insurance

By Tammie Caldwell

There is a need to insure your vehicle so that in case of accidents, you and your damaged car will be covered. This is a way for you to minimize hospital payments or even spend nothing at all. On the other hand, if you are proven to have driven recklessly, you will not be able to carry all the burden for paying the other person involved.

In Mount Rainier, MD, you will notice that they are very strict when it comes to traffic rules and vehicle registration. There are private firms and agents that can do that for you but if ever you get denied in one of these private firms, you may apply to MAIF Insurance, which is affiliated with the state government but is acting as an independent body. This was part of the nineteen seventy two Maryland State Legislature.

In addition, it is authorized to impose sanctions on anyone who drives without the papers. Some of these sanctions or penalties include a fee of twenty five dollars, license confiscation, charges by the courts which may lead to additional fees, confiscation of plates, a one hundred and fifty dollar fee for uninsured motorist or driver, and prohibition from registration of other automobiles if insurance has not been applied yet for the other one. So any Maryland resident must be responsible.

You must register and insure immediately before driving. MAIF means Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund. There are private insurance funds in the state as well but if their application has not been approved in those private firms, MAIF will be the one to process that for them.

The state is imposing strict rules in for vehicle owners because they want to make sure that every resident is covered in case there is an accident. Once you have the proper papers and documents, you can easily contact the police and report what had happened. In case you are involved in such incidents, you may call the police immediately as the first step for processing claims.

The state has a reason to be really strict in imposing this law. They are after the welfare of every motorist in town. If ever you get involved in an accident, you are assured that you will not be able to pay really high costs for repair of your car and for you hospitalization of you get injured.

But if you have not prepared for the inevitable, you may ask the locals or an establishment nearby if there are CCTVs installed near the place. Police investigations will also be a good evidence. Most especially if you are sure, and it is obvious that the other driver is at fault.

But if you have not captured the actual, real time occurrence of the incident, you may take pictures of the aftermath. Then you may ask people around if they have seen what happened. In addition, ask supervision from authorities so that you will be able to locate nearby CCTVs. If you are the victim or you are the one at fault, you will definitely need an insurance to cover the damages.

In decreasing costs, especially if you are at fault in the accident, you will need to have a positive driving record. The less violations, the lesser the costs. MAIF also offers deductibles but this will depend on the functionality and age of the car.

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