Vehicle Maintenance Tips Provided By Lincoln Park Auto Shop Are Good Advice For Every Driver

By Andreas Paschar

When it comes to the cost of auto repairs, auto maintenance can help you avoid them to save money. A cars working parts should be given a check up just as people are given one in their doctors office. It is customary for Lakeview Chicago Auto Repair to advise their regular customers to take this economic advice.

It is common knowledge, even among the least knowledgeable drivers, that an oil change is needed after driving a certain number of months. There are brake, transmission and anti-freeze levels that must be kept high enough. It is crucial to have adequate windshield wiper fluids at the drivers disposal in a snow storm.

Many movable parts wear out and need replacing. The spark plugs and timing chain are only two examples. Keeping everything in good mechanical condition avoids costly repairs. It is a way to keep you safe when you drive.

Just as the individual with heart trouble prevalent in his family has more frequent check ups, some cars should have more frequent maintenance. It depends on the make, model and how many miles you put on the speedometer. If you tow a trailer regularly, you will probably take it in for a check up more often.

Filters get dirty and need replacing at certain times. Your wheel alignment and tire rotation are not foremost in your mind if you are a non mechanically inclined person. The brakes have pads that wear out. The anti-lock brake system needs to be looked at.

Coolant levels should be checked prior to the first snowstorm of the winter season. Tires should be checked for tread and air pressure. All lights should be operational and the battery needs an evaluation prior to cold weather.

The traditional tune-up that encompassed these and other tasks may be replaced by software that has thousands of sensors in it. The driver is signaled when some part needs the attention of your auto mechanic. When the time comes to sell a car, providing a detailed service history will make a buyer willing to pay a little more for the vehicle.

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