Finding Right Hand Drive Camaro Conversion

By William Davis

If you plan to move to a country where cars drive on the right, many vehicle owners will have their cars controls moved to the opposite side. If you are searching for right hand drive camaro conversion, there are a couple options available. You will not be breaking any laws by keeping your imported car as standard, but making some changes will make driving easier, and more convenient.

Converting your vehicle from left hand to right hand drive is not as simple as swapping a few parts to the other side. The main driving controls such as pedals and steering wheel will need to be switched across as well as some control switches and mirrors. The car will need some work doing underneath on the brakes and suspension and the headlights will also need some adjustment.

The cheapest way to convert your vehicle is to buy a kit and carry out the modifications yourself. There will be many kits offered that are suitable for Camaro models that have been produced. You should be mindful that due to the fairly low costs of this method, many springs, fixings and other parts will be visible.

When browsing the net, you will find many firms who will supply you with a reasonably priced kit to suit. They will usually be dispatched overnight and should arrive at your address complete with fitting instructions and technical support contact details. A lot of the mechanical work may require specialist tools and equipment and it is advisable to check with the supplier before you place your order.

The preferred method of getting conversions carried out is to hand your car to a professional company. There are a lot of specialist companies who can do this type of work and their results will be of a very high standard. It will cost considerably more than the kit option but the modification work is covered by their warranty.

If you employ a technician to do the work on your vehicle a far better finish will be achieved. All new parts fitted will be invisible and in most instances the car will look like a factory produced right hand drive model. One main advantage of using a professional is that they will continue to look after your vehicle in the future.

Whether you do the job at home, or get a professional to do it, it is essential to have all works inspected and certified for safety reasons. Most engineering companies will issue you with an official certificate covering all work that they have done and a list of what components have been changed. If the conversion has been done as a home project, the car will have to be submitted for a safety inspection, prior to it being used on the roads.

One major thing to consider is that if your vehicle is still covered under a Chevrolet warranty these changes are going to affect the cover. If you decide to sell the car, the value may be a lot less than that of a standard model. To ensure you comply with the law, your vehicle insurers should be informed of the changes that have been made.

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