Why A Paint Spray Booth Is A Must In Any Manufacturing Shop

By Sandra Green

Manufacturing has a lot of steps and processes that involve automation to keep production running smoothly and efficiently. These are not only limited to assembly but also to finishing surfaces and other paint jobs that is supposed to be the last part manufacturing in an assembly line nature. Getting equipment that help on automation makes sure that the product is of top quality.

One activity that has been automated is painting. Now, this may seem small and trivial but when vehicles are the subject of the topic, a whole new perspective is opened up. Not only is hand painting a large chunk of metal time consuming, it can also pose as a health hazard to the ones doing the job. Doing this manually also increases the chances of human error. This where paint spray booths come in handy.

The matter that paint jobs can be done by hand may make the concept of spray booths a bit trivial. Looking at the matter in a large scale perspective, you are able to see the difference and importance it holds. The purpose of this structure is not to only speed up production but also protect from health and fire hazards.

Using spray paint definitely speeds up the task. This essentially, systematizes the painting of products and is made sure to be done in a safe environment. The particle that make up paint are harmful to the lungs and are combustible. This makes the main structure of the booth involve ventilation fans and other fixtures that allow the draft to control overspray and dust.

Before purchasing or having one made, it is important to make sure of what size and specifications you may need. This includes budget since the materials can vary depending on which standard you want to stick with. Big vehicles and airplanes may require a booth the size of a warehouse while cars may only need a large enclosure type.

The reason why crossdrafts are not as expensive as other types is how it does not require as much materials to make. The air an ventilation just passes horizontally from entrance to exit, which is vent that gathers the overspray that also picks up dust. While this is the cheaper option, it tends to be the one that turns out as the most ineffective among all the choices available.

The ones in most shops is the crossdraft due to how affordable it is in terms of materials needed for construction. The exhaust is located at the back end of the rectangular enclosure. This makes sure the air that passes from the main entrance crosses the object and bring with it the harmful particles and go out through the large exhaust fan. This gets the job done but may affect the finished product.

The only disadvantage that this type has is how it is more expensive than the crossdrafts. Exhaust fans are not located in on area only like at the rear but instead it lines the both side walls of the structure. This given makes it more expensive to make but you are guaranteed great airflow and results that are least likely to mess up with the final product.

The semi down structure, while better than the crossdraft, still has its disadvantages. This is because the vent is located at the lower rear area. It does not cover the whole back part, unlike what you can see in portable crossdraft versions. It is more efficient in absorbing the debris in a cleaner manner but since the particle still needs to travel a substantial amount of space, there is still a higher likelihood that debris can get caught in the finish.

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