Understanding Your Car's Electronic Fuel Injection System With Auto Services Lincoln Park Chicago

By Elinor Hain

This type of mechanism first came around back in the 90s. Their purpose was to make your engine work better, and make it so cars would be able to pass emissions standards that were being employed. The name for this device sort of suggests what it does. A fuel spray is injected on or around, near or into the combustion chambers of the engine. There are very precise calculations that go into how much fuel is delivered, based on how much the engine needs, so get to your local Auto Services Lincoln Park Chicago.

Fuel injection systems consist of several components. The fuel supply module contains a high-pressure electronic fuel pump and fuel filter. The fuel supply rail has fuel injectors mounted on it to conduct fuel to the engine.

True to its name, the intake air adjuster ensures that the right amount of air is available for the engine. The electronic control unit and sensors allow the system to inject accurate quantities of fuel into the intake air stream.

The two types of injection systems, direct and indirect, both accomplish the same thing but go about it a bit differently. Direct fuel systems spray fuel right into the combustion chamber and intake air stream. This high-pressure fuel delivery method is commonly found in diesel engines, though some petroleum engines use it, too. It's more efficient than indirect injection, which is used in most petroleum engines. This process injects fuel into the manifold (pipes that conduct air into the engine). Fuel and air are combined prior to being drawn into the combustion chamber.

Any auto repair professional will tell you these things will wear out as time goes. That's because they operate 18 million times over 12 thousand miles. Low-quality fuel or a dirty fuel filter are more often the cause of a fuel injection system failure, not due to a faulty injector.

If you smell gas when you start your car, you may have a fuel injection system problem. Pay attention if your gas mileage goes down because it might be due to fuel not being delivered to engines the way it should. If you think you might be having car problems, you might want to take it into a reputable professional and let them figure out what's wrong.

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