The Humble Beginnings Of Automobiles And Auto Repair

By George Moore

The human race is one of the creatures in the world that takes pleasure in traveling from different places to another. But it is not only pleasure that drives humans to travel around, they also do it because there is a need to do so. The reasons may differ but all goal is all the same, to get to that certain location.

The need was great, a many wanted more and more territory to have for their people. Once the large cities were built and established, the nobles and peasants alike wanted a solution to walking far distances. And this was in the form of vehicle. With mans invention of that, travel became an easier task to do. Eventually the need for animals to pull carts was replaced by automobiles. The rise of it brought upon a need of auto repair in Clive Iowa.

Automobiles were machines that helped people transport themselves on roads. Powered by motor engines and gas that could make them go great distances, the car had become quite a staple in life. Generally, automobiles are described as having four tires that can help in run in tougher terrains and carry up to eight people inside it and enable them to get the desired destination that they want to get to.

The modern automobiles were developed from the various kinds of prototypes. These things were made from the many designs that were made before them. Before the coming of the 20th century, cars were not resealed for commercial usage because of the safety issues that was presented when testing it out for a run.

The first modern car was born on 1886. This was the year that a German inventor developed and patented the first flat engine. With its help, the design of an running car was a pretty easy task to do. The various prototypes helped the product become a success and contributed to it running unto the road and served as a reference for future designs.

There were some setbacks to it though. The first ever car was not released to public use because of the safety issues that it had with it when it was first built and tested for running. It was only on the 20th century that various models were approved for use.

When it was approved and ready, the Ford Company took instant action. They had managed to release the car to the public on 1908, being the first to do so and it was well received. The production rate was high as the company had had a way to form an assembly line that had made making the parts and putting them together, an easy task to perform.

Because of Fords releases to masses of its mother country, many Americans had begun to purchase their own private vehicles to use on roads and get to destinations faster. This had managed to replace the horse pulled carriage that was popular then.

In modern times, having an automobile is a necessity. Without one, many would have to walk or commute. For going to different states, getting one is ideal because it would cost less and be faster.

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