Women In Motorsport: Natalie Decker Racing

By Martha Brown

Motorsport has been for the longest time been a sport where access to it was determined by some dangly bits between your legs. But in recent times, those without these so important dangly bits as Natalie Decker Racing Team, have made a compelling argument as to why they don t matter and what does is how fast you can go around a corner.

In this modern age, however, there has been changing, but not much since men still make up the majority but with changing attitudes the foot in door inserted by Camille du Gast back in 1901 is about to get even bigger with more and more people taking an interest in female motorsports.

The biggest benefit the sport of motor racing owes to the individuals it has turned its back towards in the past. Is that as the days go by, more and more females are finding an interest in the sport and pursue it because of a genuine interest in it. Meaning that as time goes on and the industry faces the wrong it s made, the sport will be recognized as a gender-neutral sport by society, similar to tennis.

Hopefully, sometime in the future, there ll be races with both sexes at the starting line.because when all is said and done, racing is about who can cross the start/finish line first among their peers. With the proper training regiment and talent, there should be no reason why that can t be.

As things currently stand, its easier for a woman interested in motorsports, who want to play an active part in the sport to get there through mentorship via a male colleague. That s not to say a female that doesn t have a male to get her in the door won t make it, but the fact is that it will take longer. But regardless of sex, color, religion or creed one thing always remains a constant. Hard work pays off.

What s amazing is that men are being outperformed in a sport that they dominate in. Yes, it s true that those gals who are fortunate enough to have a helping hand in getting into racing are at more of an advantage than those who go at it alone, but not having a male to sneak you in through the door doesn t make it any less difficult. It just simply means it ll take longer and that is a matter of semantics.

One thing female race car drivers regardless of what league they happen to drive in can t avoid is the scrutiny that comes racing. Your every move is under the microscope and all mistakes are usually attributed to sex rather than skill. But those same disadvantages, make it easier to break out and stand out in their field of expertise.

The commentary of why having women in race cars is viewed in a negative light can circle Silverstone at least twice. But even though the animosity shown by people unable to the miraculous things done by females in motorsport, they have managed to persevere and inspire a generation of children who will be undeterred by gender norms and what They re supposed to do.

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