Have Your Car Fixed At Auto Body Repair Boston MA

By Amy Rogers

There is a place where no one ever goes. There is peace and quiet, beauty and repose. It is hidden in the valleys beside a mountain stream and sitting there beside the stream is a two legged creature called man. It dreams of worlds beyond. Its stomach grumbles as hunger settles. It arises and begins to wander in search of food. Modern times have seen it use the automobile to travel and each family has one. If the bodywork of a car is in dire condition, have it fixed at auto body repair Boston MA.

This planet rotated on its own axis every twenty four hours. It also revolves around the sun every three hundred and sixty five days. Although it has eight other solar system companions, life can only exist here. Sea creatures abound in waters surrounding landmasses. On the ground critters stay in habitats, and birds rule the skies.

Primitive man made use of its being a biped. It crossed continents and land bridges by walking. This was taxing as it burned so much energy over a very short distance. The domestication of wild animals gave relief to this creature. Using its gray matter it soon affixed certain forms of boxes for creatures with four legs to pull there bay increasing cargo load.

No one knows who invented the wheel and when it happened. History has no record of it. But certainly it transformed the utilization of beasts that used to carry heavy loads into beasts that pulled the load. The carts harnessed to it became bigger with more space for passengers and goods.

Bareback riding and horse drawn carriages were the main means of transportation during the early days of civilization. Two wheeled chariots were preferred carriers of armed soldiers during war. The steam engine invention gave birth to trains running on tracks. This was a giant leap for the transportation industry.

The only problem with locomotives is that the schedules were fixed. Trains stations were the only places that people and be load or unloaded. If an individual misses the train ride, a long wait was the prize. In these instances people still had to use harnessed animal to arrive at destinations with the station as the starting point.

Then the internal combustion engine was invented which was fed with gasoline to make turn crankshafts that transmitted the power by way of gears to the wheels. It was mounted on a steel frame and had four wheels. Controls were made to control and handle the vehicle motion. The modern day car was born.

Most cars have metal bodies although new technology has been able to provide alternatives such as graphite and carbon fiber. Metals are derived from iron ores that are processed in a steel plant. It has very unique characteristics in that in can be pounded into slim sheets or can be made into thin wires. Base iron can be combined with related matter to constitute another substance.

The varied activities of man demand the people move from a certain point to a destination and back. The go the offices and factories and return home at night. Streets are clogged up every morning rush hour and every afternoon as workers go home to rest for the night. The automobile now has a life of its own.

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