What Technologies Can Trucking Companies Leverage To Make Their Jobs Easier?

By Mark Olson

Labor shortages, the rise of stringent regulations, and the ever-climbing fuel prices... Sounds like the perfect recipe for a crisis, doesn't it? That's just what trucking companies in VA have found themselves facing over the last few years. There's an argument to be made that this is why a handful of innovations are currently taking the industry by storm:

Hybrid Powertrains: Like the name suggests, a hybrid powertrain is one that combines the reliability of a standard diesel motor with the 'cleanliness' of electricity. This has emerged as the most feasible option for truckers, not just due to the downsized components, but also because it allows the use of 6X2 axles. Besides, new concepts are in development that will address the biggest drawback of electrified vehicles: the humongous batteries.

Truck Platooning: This involves connecting several trucks in a group with the help of Bluetooth technology, and falls under the same banner as autonomous trucking. Currently, the arrangement requires the lead vehicle to establish a pattern for the others to follow, with all them being under human control. It's expected that platooning will lessen congestion on highways and improve safety, especially following the adoption of an open approach.

Telematics: This is an amalgamation of vehicle tracking and communication technologies that's designed specifically for the haulage industry. With it, performance metrics can be retrieved and analyzed from each vehicle in order to define its most efficient operational cycle. Drivers can also be influenced to avoid instances that lead to efficiency losses (idling, speeding and deviation from assigned routes).

With multiple green technologies on the horizon, the trucking industry is poised for drastic changes in the coming years. Some experts have however acknowledged that it will take time before all of them are fully readied for application in the real world. Meanwhile, it can't hurt to look at some of the ways you could use to streamline your operation:

Invest in Quality: Just as a ship captain needs competent hands on deck, quality drivers are of utmost importance in your profitability. Of course, you'll want to do whatever is necessary to keep them once they've joined your team. This will cost you a pretty penny, but is definitely worthwhile.

Remember Those Check-ups: It's very important that you keep up with all elements of your maintenance program. If that seems obvious, so should the need to have scheduling features in your fleet management software. This will eliminate the risk of forgetting when tasks fall due.

Watch Tire Pressures: Obvious as this seems, the impact of under-inflated tires on fleet performance is so significant that it's worth repeating. So don't shy away from reminding your drivers about the need to maintain the correct tire pressures. This goes hand-in-hand with the need for regular checkups.

The role of technology in the management of transport fleets keeps growing by the day. However, that doesn't mean that the good old fashioned strategies are losing their effectiveness. With that in mind, it's in your best interest to get familiar with what the former has to offer, while still hanging on to the latter.

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