Merits Of NY Lien Services To The Creditor

By Helen King

Loans are always expected in any business. This may be dangerous to the business if not well managed by the creditors. Some debtors may not keep their words about paying their debts hence some security need to be taken to cater for the debt. The following are some benefits of NY lien services to the creditor.

Taking an important property from a person who owes you a large sum of money will guarantee payment of the debt from the person. This is because he may want to use the property and may not want it to be taken away. This can either be a car or a house, which is so essential to every owner because he or she uses it on a daily bases.

Loans should always have a time limit in which it should be paid in full. Some debtors do not honor this and may take a long period than agreed to pay the debts. This can only be fastened if one has withheld a certain property and if the agreed time is over, the creditor gains full possession of the property.

By taking a lien service, one becomes sure that his or her money is secure. This is because, if the debtor refuses to pay back the money but still demand to have his property back, the law will stand on the side of the creditor ensuring that he is paid his debt to the very last coin. This way the creditor will be sure that no loss would be incurred.

In case the debtor is unable to pay the debt completely, the creditor has the right of selling the asset held as security to get his money back. There is no limitation on the amount of money one should sell the asset. The creditor may decide to sell the property at a high price, therefore, making more profit that could not have been made by repaying the loan.

Lien also deprives any right that a person may have of a withhold property. This includes even the right to sell such a property. This is very helpful to a creditor for the debtor would not sell the property behind his back. For one to enjoy the full rights of the asset, he or she has to pay the debt in full fast.

Loan transparency is very important. If the person taking the credit dies, his or her next of keen would know any loan that he or she had and may pay back the loan to regain the possession of a withheld property. If a property is withheld the debtor has to be honest to the people concerned about the loan hence transparency will be guaranteed.

If one gives loans and they are not paid back, it may lead to the bankruptcy of a business. This will not happen if a creditor secures his or her loans. By selling a property that has been held as loan security, the person will be able to get his business back to its feet again.

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