Useful And Essential Facts About Fuel Additives

By Betty Myers

Oil additives refer to chemical compounds that are added into base oils for the purposes of improving the performance of the lubricant. The base oil is also referred to using the term base stock. There are several different manufacturers of these products. In most cases, manufacturers use the same base stock, but vary the additives that they add into them based on the specific application the product is meant to be used for. Here are facts regarding Fuel additives.

For this reason, manufacturers often use different additive formulation they include in the oils they produce so as to yield different products. These are each tailored for different applications. Normally, the additives included in some oils account for nearly 5 percent of the total weight. All oil types contain different additive types irrespective of whether the oils are petroleum or synthetic in nature.

Present day internal combustion engines require additive-containing oils. The importance of these oils is that they lubricate better and extend engine lifespan. There are a number of problems that may arise should the oil lack stabilizers. These include contamination, breakdown and leaks. Furthermore, they will lack the capacity to properly protect the engine against all temperatures.

The oils are not only used in engines but other parts like automatic transmissions, bearings, gearboxes, and clutches. There are many different types of stabilizers and each performs a different function. For example, there are additive products meant for lubrication and providing viscosity as well as seal conditioning. Others are designed for controlling chemical breakdown and contaminants.

Some of the stabilizers are added to allow lubricants to offer better performance under severe conditions. Such conditions include high levels of contamination, extreme temperatures, and extreme pressures. Thus, one should understand what every kind of oil does before they buy. Using the wrong kind of oil for the wrong purpose may lead to serious problems in the engine or whatever part is being lubricated.

Additives that are used in controlling chemical breakdown were first developed in 1930s. They are used in neutralizing and cleaning engine impurities. Failure to add these additives would allow impurities form deposits on key engine parts. Some of these types of stabilizers include magnesium sulphonates. Other additive commodities serve the purpose of inhibiting metal components from undergoing oxidation in an engine.

Another group of additive products are antioxidants. These ones work by retarding the rdegradation of oil stock through oxidation. Some major examples are organic phenols and amines. Metal deactivators are also an important group of additive products whose function is to prevent the oxidation of oils. They achieve this by forming a film on metallic surfaces. This films prevents the metal from oxidizing the oils.

Also, bases are valuable additives. They are utilized in the prevention of chemical disintegration of the base stock oils in acidic environments. For this reason, they lower the total acid number in oils. There exist a number of types of these bases that can be employed for this application. In addition, several other bases are being invented because of the existence of better technology.

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